Writer: Gavin Wiesen
Starring: Freddie Highmore
Emma Roberts
Michael Angarano
Rita Wilson
Blair Underwood
Alicia Silverstone
Marcus Carl Franklin
Sasha Spielberg
Elizabeth Reaser
Rating: ****
Release date: Out Now
This coming of age indie film is a sweet and honest tale of two peoples extraordinary affection for one another.
George (Highmore) is a sarcastic, fatalistic teenage boy who only cares about his art and nothing else. He never does coursework, he bunks off school and he goes out of his way to break the rules; but somehow he has managed to charm the teachers and students around him. The teachers have tried their hardest, but with only a few months until graduation they are starting to lose faith in him. He is struggling with his home life and cant find anyone to understand him, then he meets Sally (Roberts). She is the popular girl who all girls want to be and all guys want to be with. She is breezing through school and everything seems to be perfect for her. But with a promiscuous mother and no real care for her anywhere, she is searching for that something that George can offer. Her friends aren't really friends, they are just fellow popula kids and what she really wnats is someone to tell her it'll all be ok. Both Highmore and Roberts have been cast brilliantly in their respective roles. They both seem to fit perfectly into their characters shoes and their chemistry together is spot on. They both give such simple and honest performances that you really believe every emotion and word they share with each other. This by far is the best performance I have seen them give, especially Roberts who really lives up to he Aunts reputation.
The role of George's mother, Vivian (Wilson), is beautifully performed and is lovely to watch. Wilson gives Vivian such heart and deep emotion that she really pops on screen. Her constant struggle with money, her marriage and George really take their toll on the character and she portrays this perfectly. With every line and breath she grows and blooms and gives a terrific performance. Principal Bill Martinson (Underwood) acts as George's father figure in the film. With George's father gone and his Stepfather ignoring him all the time George just needs some fatherly advice and Bill does this. He is always rooting for George and giving him the best advice/options he can. Underwood plays this role really well and you genuinely believe that he cares for and wants to help George. His firm approach with the character makes it obvious that he is a father figure, and he really puts that across well.
On George's search for himself he meets artist Dustin (Angarano), an ex-student from George's school who is doing exactly what George wants to do. He is like a big brother to George throughout the film and George clearly looks up to him. Angarano gives Dustin those brotherly qualities and helps him become a likeable and funny character. His cheeky attitude and teasing of George helps emphasise those sibling-like ways, and Angarano plays it fantastically. One of George's teachers and biggest motivator's is Ms. Herman (Silverstone). She is that teacher we all had at school, the one that wants us to succeed with what we want to do in life. First off seeing Alicia Silverstone as a frumpy teacher is really bizaare, but she is extremely believable and sweet in the role. Her loving and kind nature really comes through, and she gives a delightfully warm performance. She really shines near the end when she finally gives up on George, and the dissapointment and sadness comes across so well and she plays it wonderfully.
Sally's bestfriends are Will and Zoe (Franklin & Spielberg), and they are the weak link unfortunately. With a fantastic cast and brilliant performances something had to go awry and it was these characters. Don't get me wrong they performed to the best of their abilities, but the characters were undeveloped and lacklustre and added nothing to the story apart from a little bit more for Roberts to interact with and do. Same as her Mother (Reaser) who seemed rushed, and although I could see what was being set up it didn't quite get there. Again nothing wrong with the performance just an underdeveloped character.
The directing, acting, and for the most part , the writing was fantastic and made this indie film a real treat to watch. Everybody put their all into making this film and it really shows. Apart from the occasionally lame character development, it really is a sweet and intriguing film about young love and finding yourself. I highly suggest you go and catch this now while it's still on.
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