John Requa
Writer: Dan Fogelman
Starring: Steve Carell
Ryan Gosling
Julianne Moore
Emma Stone
Marisa Tomei
Kevin Bacon
Analeigh Tipton
Rating: *****
Release Date: 23/09/2011
This film about first loves, long-lasting loves, young loves, lost loves and every other kind of love is, well...lovely.
The film centres around the break down of Cal and Emily Weaver's (Carell & Moore) marriage. It shows the effect it has on their lives, their family and their attitude to love. Through the film each character goes on their own personal journey, not just these two but every character. Carell is at his best in this film, not only does he use his comedic timing to his best ability but he really shows what a tender and honest actor he can be. He never over does it, and he always plays it perfectly. He has done the occasional 'acting' role before, but I have never seen any of those, so to see him in this way is really nice and he truly does the writing and film justice. Moore is perfect as always, she plays it amazingly and she is funny at all the right times. Her portrayal of a woman falling out of love is so honest and real and you can genuinely see the emotions all over her, in her face and her body. She truly shines in this film and she is in absolute joy to watch. Also at the end, when she falls back in love, the contrast and difference in her character is so perfect that you really believe in everything the charcater says and does.
Jacob Palmer (Gosling) is a young, womanising play boy, and for much of the film acts as Cal's mentor. He tries to help Cal get over the end of hhis marriage, whilst trying to the find the love of his life all at the same time. Gosling plays the arrogant, ladies man very well and is one of the funniest characters. This role is quite different from any role I have seen him in before, but he really plays it well and is genuinely believable as this type character. In his quest for love he meets Hannah Weaver (Stone), the daughter of Cal and Emily, something he doesn't find out until a rather hilarious scene near the end. These two characters are perfect for each other because they are both so independant, but at the same time looking for the same thing, love. Stone as always is perfect, she is funny, endearing, loveable and as sassy as ever. There is never a dull moment when she is on screen and her chemistry with every actor is phenomenal. I'm patiently waiting for her to deliver one bad performance, because no-one is this perfect, are they?
The supporting cast is just as perfectly cast as the main cast. First, Kate Tafferty (Tomei), one of Cal's one night stands, when he is trying to find himself, but also Cal's sons 8th grade teacher. Her few scenes are laidened with perfect script writing, hilarious comedic performances and Tomei oozing her sexiness all over the screen. She particularly comes into her own when calling Cal out and the parent/teacher conference, especially when she is explaining the definiton for an asshole. One reason Emily leaves Cal is because she slept with a work colleague, David Lindhagen (Bacon). He is the slimy character in the film, which Bacon plays very well. His portrayal as the other man is fantastic especially when contrasting with the other characters, especially Cal's son Robbie. Finally the babysitter Jessica (Tipton), who is in love with Cal, whilst Robbie is in love with her. She plays the role very innocently and naive and gives a sweet performance as the hormonal teenager searching for love.
With the clever script and smart direction, each actor is given an easy job to do. The stories that all intertwine are never distracting or confusing and that really is a credit to all involved. I highly recommend you go and catch this at your local cinema on 23/09/11, as it really is the perfect rom-com.
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