50/50: "You Can't Change Your Situation. The Only Thing That You Can Change Is How You Choose To Deal With It"

Writer: Will Reiser
Starring: Joseph Gordon-Levitt
Seth Rogen
Anna Kendrick
Bryce Dallas Howard
Anjelica Huston
Serge Houde
Matt Frewer
Phillip Baker Hall
Rating: *****
Release Date: 25/11/11
A touching and funny film based on the films writer, Will Reiser's battle with cancer and how it affects those around him.
Adam (Gordon-Levitt) is a twentysomething journalist/writer, in a stable relationship with Rachael (Howard), a best friend, Kyle (Rogen), by his side, and supportive parents (Huston & Houde) who care for his well-being. He has recently been suffering from a bad back, and when he goes to the hospital for a check-up he is told that he has a very rare type of of spinal cancer. Despite he himself keeping a calm front up, those around him start to crumble, his girlfriend eventually cheats on him, Kyle initially breaks down and his mother struggles the most as she is caring for her husband who has Alzheimer's. He starts his Chemo, and it is here he becomes friends with Alan and Mitch (Hall & Frewer), two older men who are also receiving the treatment. They act as his mentors in a way, helping him through the therapy and trying to relax him and make it easier. In order to keep himself calm and collected he goes to see a therapist, Katie (Kendrick), who he struggles to warm to due to her age and inexperience, however by the end of the movie they have fallen in love and both support each other in their lives.
The film, quite possibly, has been blessed with one of the most perfect casts in a long time. They aren't all Oscar winners, but each and every actor fits the role like a glove, and clearly allot of time and effort has gone into casting it perfectly. What the film does so well, is it has a different character for each emotion, not one character deals with the issue the same way, but they all share the common denominator, they are all scared for their friend/family member, and just want everything to be OK. Rogen and Levitt especially do a fantastic job with their characters, the have outstanding chemistry, and are able to balance the comedy and drama perfectly. It is especially nice to see Rogen branch away from his usual comedy style, and it really has paid off for him, because the film is truly fantastic, and is extremely honest and real.
The writing from Reiser is brilliant, and because it is something he went through with Rogen, it feels very organic and true, and nothing about the plot or script feels contrived or "Hollywood". The direction from Levine, is what really pulls everything together, as he is able to bring out as much comedy as he can, without ruining the emotional and heartfelt story that he is dealing with. There are many touching and moving scenes that are all done with such subtle and gentle acting/directing, that nothing about it feels forced or unnatural. The film is out today in the UK, and it is quite possibly one of the movie highlights of the year.
The writing from Reiser is brilliant, and because it is something he went through with Rogen, it feels very organic and true, and nothing about the plot or script feels contrived or "Hollywood". The direction from Levine, is what really pulls everything together, as he is able to bring out as much comedy as he can, without ruining the emotional and heartfelt story that he is dealing with. There are many touching and moving scenes that are all done with such subtle and gentle acting/directing, that nothing about it feels forced or unnatural. The film is out today in the UK, and it is quite possibly one of the movie highlights of the year.
50/50 - Trailer
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