Director: Andrew Stanton
Writer: Andrew Stanton
Mark Andrews
Michael Chabon
Starring: Taylor Kitsch
Lynn Collins
Samantha Morton
Willem Dafoe
Thomas Haden Church
Mark Strong
Ciaran Hinds
Dominic West
James Purefoy
Daryl Sabara
Rating: ***
Release Date: Out Now
John Carter opened in cinemas a few days a go, and with Andrew Stanton at the helm (WALL-E and Finding Nemo), you will go into the cinema expecting the best.Now it is Stanton's first time working on a live action movie, so I guess I'll cut him some slack (considering the size of the project), but unfortunately there are so many things going against him right from the start. The marketing campaign has been pretty poor, apparently the budget was immense (rumours in the $300 million area) and the film stars a relatively unknown/untested leading
man in Taylor Kitsch. Basically, the future never really looked bright for this film, which is being reflected pretty massively by the Box-Office sales.

There is no doubt that the film itself is a pretty spectacular film visually, both the impressive landscape and its imposing inhabitants setting the tone for the film perfectly. Again though, Hollywood manages to cheapen the impressive details by transferring it to 3D at the last minute. I have seen 2-3 films use the 3D technology correctly, and after that it's just dreadful, so I think it's time film producers let it lie now, because it ruins the cinema experience. Kitsch does a pretty good job as the eponymous soldier (grieving over the death of his wife), who turns hero after he's teleported to Mars (Barsoom, to its residents FYI...)
and falls for the beautiful princess Dejah Thoris (Collins).
The writers manage to utilise all of the movie's 131 minutes, by
cramming everything they can in their tale of Martian feuds, romance and earthbound action. The
film occasionally sinks as it tries to figure out its dense plot, and bringing the action back to earth with Edgar Rice Burroughs (Sabara) acting as messenger for Carter's story feels like a character addition too many in an already packed-ensemble cast.

With appearances from Dominic West, Mark Strong and Ciaran Hinds the film has many brilliant actors to add to mix, that all manage to fit in the story with ease and thanks to the impressive CGI the film overall is a surprisingly good watch. Willem Dafoe and Samantha Morton also get their chances to deliver emotive performances as warrior Tars Tarkas and his daughter Sola.
John Carter may not be racking up the box office billions to make a sequel a definite, but
on this occasion I would actually be intrigued as to where a sequel would take the story next.
John Carter - Trailer
Good review. Kitsch could have definitely been a little bit more charismatic but the flick still works due to amazing special effects and some really fun and exciting action. Sad thing is that this flick was made for $250 million and won’t make any of it back. Not a must-see by any means but still a good one to check out for the fun of it.