Writer: David Lindsay-Abaire
William Joyce
Starring: Chris Pine
Alec Baldwin
Hugh Jackman
Isla Fisher
Jude Law
Dakota Goyo
Rating: ****
Release Date: Out Now
Each year a festive animation gets released; last year was the release of the hilarious and heartwarming Arthur Christmas, and this year sees the release of the brilliantly made Rise of the Guardians. The perfect festive blend of comedy, wonder and childhood memories is what helps to create this magical movie.
The guardians are a group of heroes that survive in the children of the worlds imagination and innocence, Santa (Baldwin); The Easter Bunny (Jackman); The Tooth Fairy (Fisher); and The Sandman. They help to protect all children, keep their imaginations soaring, and provide joy world wide. Everything is going swimmingly when a dark presence threatens to destroy these heroes and stop all children from believing in them; the presence is the Boogeyman, Pitch (Law). With the heroic team of lovable characters becoming weaker and succumbing to Pitch's evil plan, they soon become in desperate need of help; that help comes in the form of Jack Frost (Pine). Frost is a young carefree spirit who just wants to be believed in, and if he can help the endangered foursome, maybe they can help him...but is it too late?
Rise of the Guardians is full of all the merriment and wonder a Christmas film should be filled with, and seeing our favourite childhood memories conjured up on screen together is truly marvellous. There are genuinely tender moments, plenty of laughs, and even some sad scenes to tug at the heart strings. The voice cast do a brilliant job and provide the necessary warmth, heart, and in Pitch's case, fear mongering to help the story along. If there is one film for the whole family to enjoy together, this is it.
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