Writer: Anne-Marie Hess
Starring: Natasha Bassett
Peter Benson
Nicole Oliver
Matthew Harrison
Nathan Keyes
Clayton Chitty
Lindsay Gibson
Benjamin Arce
Rating: *
Air Date: February 26, 2017. Lifetime UK
Britney Spears, a pop icon. Lover her or hate her, after nearly 20 years in the business, she has continued to dominate charts, sell out shows and deliver some of the greatest pop music in history. She is an entertainer, and after her rocky relationship with the press and her 2007 meltdown, she made a well deserved comeback, and last year released her ninth album, Glory. There is nothing she hasn't tried to do in this industry, and she will continue to rise despite the business of show constantly trying to tear her down.
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Natasha Bassett as Britney Spears |
Let's focus first on the acting. It's bad, to put it bluntly. They seemed to decide that to capture the essence of Britney, they'd giver her a aggressive southern accent, have her say y'all far too many times, and come across as an inept and ditzy blonde that gets excited by cupholders. She has never claimed to be a genius, but to have a business head like hers and still be going after all this time, she certainly isn't a ditz. The rest of the cast were just as bad as Bassett, all playing caricatures of their alter-egos and basically over playing each moment. It looks so amateur and badly made, it's actually hard to watch.
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Natasha Bassett & Nathan Keyes Britney Spears & Justin Timberlake |
On to the inaccuracies. First the denim dress, is now a denim jumpsuit, she has a flatscreen TV in her tour bus...in 1998, her sister doesn't age between 1998 to 2004, her wigs change colour, she was brunette for most of her breakdown, but they had her blonde, they had her rehearsing Womanizer when she was with Kevin Federline, when her album after him was Blackout; the list is endless and that is just the tip of the iceberg. They also covered the famous paparazzi/umbrella incident; originally at a gas station with her hitting a paps jeep before leaving. In this version, it is daytime on the street, she gets out of her convertible and just swings an umbrella around. They clearly made this film forgetting everyone watching it grew up with her and that it's very easy to Google all of these events and see how wrong they got it.
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Natasha Bassett & Clayton Chitty Britney Spears & Kevin Federline |
All in all Britney Ever After is terribly written, horribly acted and badly made 'tribute' to the life and career of Britney Spears. Filled with lies, fabricated stories and baffling changes to the smallest and most unnecessary details, it is a wreck. Bassett delivers a speech about her life as Britney being like a car crash, when in reality it is this film that is the car crash, and should never have been greenlit.
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