Writer: Jordan Peele
Starring: Daniel Kaluuya
Allison Williams
Bradley Whitford
Caleb Landry Jones
Stephen Root
Lakeith Stanfield
Catherine Keener
LilRel Howery
Rating: *****
Release Date: Out Now
Jordan Peele, perhaps better known as one half of funny duo Key & Peele, has proven himself to be a very capable comedy performer and writer. So the idea of him writing and then directing a horror film may have seemed dubious to many, but after seeing Get Out, I can confidently say that Jordan Peele is a visionary.
It is a troubling time for the world, and despite the many leaps forward we have made for equality in recent years, it is very clear that for every step forward we take two steps back. Racism especially has taken a massive blow in recent months, with hate crimes rising around the globe. Get Out manages to highlight these troubling issues, but using a fresh and intriguing concept, that is fascinating and terrifying.
Chris (Kaluuya) is a young black man in a loving relationship with Rose (Williams). They have reached the point in their relationship for him to meet the parents, an idea that makes him nervous due to their interracial relationship. She assures him that it won't matter, and so they make their way to the parent's estate. Chris notices that Rose's parents have black people working for them, and soon learns that many black residents have gone missing; it is hear his instincts begin to pique. When one day, one of the few black residents seems to be triggered by a camera flash and he screams "Get Out" at Chris, he then decides it is time for him and Rose to leave, but that proves to be easier said than done.
The driving force of the film is truly Kaluuya's performance as Chris. He goes on a complete journey, starting cautious and wary of entering this next stage of the relationship, to having to overcome racism, violence and a kidnapping, yet still retaining his charm, empathy and strength that he exhibits throughout. Kaluuya is outstanding throughout, and fully opens himself up emotionally for the audience, allowing them to truly join him on his dangerous journey.
The supporting cast help to set an uneasy tone, and support Kaluuya perfectly from start to finish. They commit to the story and characters fully, and give you a constant feeling of something being severely off throughout. Rose's parents (Whitford & Kenner) especially us their over-the-top kindness and reassurance as a wonderful mask for their underyling hatred and evil. The hypnosis scene is an absolute standout moment for both Kaluuya and Keener, and it is a creepy and uncomfortable watch.
Jordan Peele has found a way to balance pure tension building with stand out jump scares, whilst also maintaining moments of light and satire. The character of Rod, portrayed by LilRel Howery, provides plenty of comedic moments, and gives the audience to relax between pee-inducing horrors. Peele's handling of directing a horror film is amazing, and for his directorial debut, it is perfection. The perfect blend of horror, satire and real world issues, all tied up with a psychological twist; Get Out is a horror film that is not to be missed.
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